White Oak
Quercus alba
The white oak is a large deciduous, hardwood tree of the Beech family.
It’s slow growing and can reach heights of 50 - 80 feet. Trunk gets to about 2-4 ft wide in diameter.
Produces a 3/4- to 1-inch-long brown acorn.
They have 7 to 9 rounded lobes, 5 to 9 inches long with short petioles.
The bark is a light gray color that is tight when young but forms loose strips or blocks as the tree ages.
Typically drop their acorns before red oak trees. Although they grow slowly, they live long. Some have lived past 500 years.
Vincent’s Forester Fun Fact: White oak is Connecticut’s state tree! The legend goes that colonists hid a charter in an unusually large White Oak tree which allowed Connecticut to continue self-govern under King James II reign in 1687 when it was threatened. This tree would birth the Charter Oak legend.
Another Fun Fact: A majority of whiskey barrels are actually built using white oak wood.